Creative Nurds Blog

Our blog page is dedicated to helping solar panel companies succeed in the digital world.

We understand that the solar industry is constantly evolving, and it can be challenging to keep up with the latest trends and technologies.

So that's why we're here. You'll find heaps of information on topics about improving your solar panel website, reviews about solar websites, marketing and the general solar industry. We understand that running a solar panel company can be challenging, but with the right strategies and tactics in place, you can achieve great success.

We hope that this blog will serve as a valuable resource for you and your team, and that you'll find the information and advice we share to be both informative and actionable.

Looking to start a solar panel business in Australia? Our comprehensive guide covers everything from market analysis to financial projections. Get ahead now

How to Start a Solar Panel Business in Australia: A Comprehensive Guide

Looking to start a solar panel business in Australia? Our comprehensive guide covers everything from market analysis to financial projections. Get ahead now

Crap Solar: Number 1 reason why solar companies fail

Crap Solar: Number 1 reason why solar companies fail

Crap Solar shows number 1 reason why over 700 solar installers have gone broke in the last 7 years. What can you learn from their mistakes?

Slider vs static image for your solar website. Which is better?

Slider vs static image for your solar website. Which is better?

We analysed over 400 solar installation websites in Australia. Why do so many have a slider on their front page? Does it work? Should you have it?

Victoria Solar Homes - Extra rebates released. Is it enough?

Victoria Solar Homes - Extra rebates released. Is it enough?

Today, the Victorian Government expanded the Solar Homes Program to allow more rebates to be given to homes. But there is still a hard cap of 5000 per month.

Victorian Solar Homes Rebate: A Wreck or Work in Progress?

Victorian Solar Homes Rebate: A Wreck or Work in Progress?

The Solar Homes rebate originally viewed as great, but a hard cap of 3,333 homes has seen many solar installers and customers frustrated with the policy.

4 main customer types for solar installers and how to sell to them

4 main customer types for solar installers and how to sell to them

Find out the 4 main types of customers that will buy solar, what their pain points are, and what motivates them.

What are you waiting for?

Book a Free Strategy Session and find out how your solar company can be more profitable